Tuesday, December 5, 2006

So why blog?

Why indeed? As I try to find my... rhythm?... niche?.... style?... here I've been asking myself "Well, why do it"? If I can find the answer to that riddle, maybe I can write something worth reading.

Part of it stems, I'm sure from my geneological hobby. I have a database with about 2000 names...and that's all they are is names and dates. I wonder "Who were they"? "What were they like"? and I get no answers. Maybe I have some sort of delusion that some of me will live on, so that 2000 years from now, when someone uncovers this electronic relic, they'll say "Wow, he was a cool guy...." (This, of course implies that I actually stick with this long enough to say so...)

Part of it stems from my love for writing. I love to be able to write something just so and really nail what I'm trying to say. Someday when it actually happens, I'm sure I'll get great satisfaction from it.

The other part of it is an extension of the writing bit - I like discourse. I like the give and take of written communication, which is why I spend quite a bit of time on message boards.[sarcasm] All the replies and emails I've gotten on here are just mind- boggling. [/sarcasm ] Oddly enough, in person, I'm a person of very few words.... I suppose that says something Freudian about me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this. We all have stories to tell. Lack of incentive, courage, skill, whatever, keeps most of it bottled up. Maybe I'll change.