Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tuesday, Bluesday

Watched this: http://www.whatthebleep.com/whatthebleep/ the other night and it's been screwing with my head ever since....


A:) Marlee Matlin is hot. I'd go down the rabbit hole with her anytime!

B:) I feel a little bit ashamed of myself after having my "belief" that a deaf person couldn't be an actor, shot down in flames. On the other hand, I LIKE having my preconceptions shot down - it makes you think.

C:) Without getting all "New Age" airhead on you, the movie wasn't really so much of a jolt for me as it was an affirmation of gut feelings, intuitions, beliefs and inklings I've had all along.

Today's "Someone Get Me A Q-Tip So I Can Get This Song Out Of My Head" song : "When Soul Meets Body" - Death Cab For Cutie.

3AM Tune of the Day: "Speed of Sound" - Coldplay

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