Monday, May 9, 2011

Everyday heroes

I was at Wegman's in DeWitt NY the other day for my weekly grocery pilgrimage. As I was walking across the parking lot on my way in, I passed two "cart wranglers". I only heard part of their conversation as I passed, but the gist was that they were both going to do something or go on break together, but the older gentleman was telling the young guy he had to do something first.

He said "..Ok.....but I have to go drop this in Lost and Found, first...."

I happened to look over and he was holding up a bank deposit envelope. Y'know, the cloth kind, with a lock on them? The ones that often hold a metric shit-ton of money?

...and he was turning it in to Lost & Found.


Not only was it good PR for the store and whoever lost it must have been sweating bullets, but, it may have been a nice example for the younger guy... and it was a nice reminder for me that in this ever-increasingly self-centered world, there are still people out there who care.

1 comment:

lightnindan said...

Wish he'd have been the WalMart cart wrangler that found my wife's purse (which had had all her Christmas shopping cash in it) at Christmas a few years ago. After leaving it in the cart for all of 30 seconds, she realized she'd lost it and as she was walking back to the store he was coming in with her purse. Of course he swore to her that when he found it there was no cash in it, all the while sporting a "caught with your hand in the cookie jar" grin. Oh well, can't win 'em all. It certainly is good to hear about someone doing the right thing when they don't think anyone is watching.