Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tuesday, Bluesday

Watched this: http://www.whatthebleep.com/whatthebleep/ the other night and it's been screwing with my head ever since....


A:) Marlee Matlin is hot. I'd go down the rabbit hole with her anytime!

B:) I feel a little bit ashamed of myself after having my "belief" that a deaf person couldn't be an actor, shot down in flames. On the other hand, I LIKE having my preconceptions shot down - it makes you think.

C:) Without getting all "New Age" airhead on you, the movie wasn't really so much of a jolt for me as it was an affirmation of gut feelings, intuitions, beliefs and inklings I've had all along.

Today's "Someone Get Me A Q-Tip So I Can Get This Song Out Of My Head" song : "When Soul Meets Body" - Death Cab For Cutie.

3AM Tune of the Day: "Speed of Sound" - Coldplay

Monday, November 27, 2006

Ooooh looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays...

Back to work after five days off.... sigh. Doing my level best to balance my desire to do absolutely nothing here with the practical need to get back in the swing of things.

The scale was NOT happy with me this morning.... I've started to go the wrong way. This means WAR! (Yeah, right.....)

3AM tune of the day: "Scars of Love" -Jesse Malin.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

S'cuse me, while I whip this out....

After much hemming and hawing (and a false start at Angelfire) I've decided to unleash my blog on the world! Yes!

This will be a look at the world through my distorted, dirty lenses....

(...and one more thing to neglect on my "To Do" list....)