Friday, December 24, 2010

The Camera Eye

My mother and sister both got the "artistic" gene in the family and I've always felt somewhat depraved - er- deprived.

Years ago, I spent -what was at the time- stupid money on a camera and lenses. I took the camera everywhere with me. I read book after book on composition, camera settings and technical details. I took tons and tons of pictures.

They all sucked.

After spending countless dollars on film and developing, only to be disappointed by shitty pictures, I gave up.

Fast forward a whole bunch of years. I bought a digital point-and-shoot camera and managed to take a few decent pictures with it, but found myself limited by what the camera could NOT do.

Taking that as a sign that I might be ready for something a little more "PRO-fessional" I bought a Sony Alpha 200 and started rediscovering photography. I also got Aperture as a Christmas gift last year, and that's been a big help. I think part of what I was missing with film was being able to control things in "the darkroom".

For me, digital has been very freeing. I am no longer afraid to take chances, because I don't have to pay to develop my pictures. I can shoot away and not even think about it. I also know that a certain amount of things can be corrected in "the darkroom".

I still have to learn to slow down and THINK about composition and I need to kick the "auto" crutch to the curb, but I have managed to take a few ...ok... pictures. I am really trying to learn to SEE pictures - a skill those of us without that artistic genes really struggle with.

Where the hell was this 30+ years ago?

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