Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Natural Connection

My life has been busy, busy, busy lately. Rushing from putting out one fire to putting out another left me little to no time to reconnect with the natural world around me - the world I am of ; not just exist in.

Last Friday night, the rain put the brakes on whatever earth-shattering task I felt it was necessary that I accomplish next.  I was "forced" by the weather to pull up a chair at my patio door and watch the rain and the birds still coming to the feeder.

After about ten minutes of this, I felt a strange calm wash over me. I was soothed by the slanting rain and began to really see the world outside my window. I realized just how far I'd drifted from my "connection" with the earth and the natural rhythms around me and how much I need that connection.

I noticed the row of raindrops hanging from the phone wire that goes over to the garage. I realized that, while I am most assuredly NOT a jewelry person, I would wear a necklace with jewels like that.

Rain drops on the wire June 19th 2007

I'm thinking a visit to my camp is in order.... (thus allowing me to segue to my next post - coming soon).

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